O bem sempre deve superar qualquer que seja a oferta do mal, portanto, a nossa fé deve constantemente ser cultivada para que os nossos corações estejam puros e dignos da santificação do Senhor que nos manterá em mansidão, mesmo nos momentos em que a ira tentar nos tomar para que possamos merecer a salvação de Deus.
Sentence of the day: the responsibility with the good.
Before, sanctify the Mister God in your hearts; and be always prepared to answer with meekness and fear the any that to ask you the reason of the hope that there are in you. (1 Pedro 3:15)
The well should always overcome any that is the offer of the evil, therefore, our faith constantly should be cultivated so that our hearts are pure and worthy of the sanctification of the Mister that will maintain us in meekness, even in the moments in that the anger to try to take us so that we can deserve the salvation of God.
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