A solidão jamais pode fazer parte da vida daqueles que se preservam na qualidade de filhos de Deus, sendo obedientes e zelosos aos ensinamentos divinos, portanto, devemos olhar para a palavra como os perdidos no deserto fitam um Oasis, o qual dará lugar à realidade gostosa de ser vivida para nossa felicidade e honra do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: God is always with us.
Suddenly it arrives the hour, and he already approaches, in that you will be dispersed each one for your part, and you will only leave me; but I am not alone, because the Father is with me. (João 16:32)
The solitude can never be part of the life of those that they are preserved in the children's of God quality, being obedient and zealous to the divine teachings, therefore, we should look at the word as the lost ones in the desert stare an Oasis, which will give place to the pleasant reality of being lived for our happiness and it honors of the Mister.
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