Deus espera que ao final da nossa jornada terrena possamos estar eternamente na Sua presença, e para tanto, não teremos que fazer grandes sacrifícios, ao contrário, a prática de atos prazerosos que agradam ao Senhor.
O nosso criador espera que nos considerar como valiosas joias e poder nos ter sob a proteção divina na qualidade de nosso pai, portanto, vamos abraçar as obras do Senhor, procurando ser obedientes e zelosas segundo os ensinamentos contidos na palavra para a nossa felicidade plena e honra do nosso Deus.
Sentence of the day: jewels of the Mister.
And they will be mine, he says him Mister of the Armies; on that day they will be for me jewels; they will be saved, as a man it saves your son, that serves him/it. (Malaquias 3:17)
God waits that at the end of our terrestrial day we can be eternally in Your presence, and for so much, we won't have to do great sacrifices, to the opposite, the practice of pleased acts that please to the Mister.
Our creator waits that to be considered as valuable jewels and power to have us under the divine protection in our father's quality, therefore, we will hug the works of the Mister, trying to be obedient and zealous according to the teachings contained in the word for our full happiness and it honors of our God.
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