Por maior que seja uma tormenta lançada pelo inimigo, ela não permanecerá se formos corajosos, perseverantes, não permitindo que a nossa fé seja abalada. E ainda sairemos vitoriosos, teremos nossas forças restabelecidas para que os nossos opressores sejam desacreditados e estaremos aptos a receber uma graça imensurável que é o recebimento da coroa da vida eterna.
Sentence of the day: not of letting to affect.
Anything themes of the things that you must suffer. Suddenly the devil will throw some of you in the prison, so that you are tried; and you will have a tribulation of ten days. Be faithful to the death, and I will give you the crown of the life. (Apocalypse 2:10)
For adult that is a storm thrown by the enemy, she won't stay if we are courageous, persevering, not allowing our faith to be affected. It is we will still leave victorious, we will have our reestablished forces so that our oppressors are discredited and we will be capable to receive an immeasurable grace that is the greeting of the crown of the eternal life.
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