Os sinais de Deus indicarão o caminho seguro e sereno a seguir, portanto, em situações de intempéries devemos recorrer ao nosso Senhor e seremos atendidos para que possamos contornar e até mesmo destruir obstáculos para toda a glória do nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: God sends us signs.
And the Mister it went ahead of them, in the daytime in a cloud column for guiding for the road, and at night in a fire column for lighting up, so that they walked in the daytime and at night. (Exodus 13:21)
The signs of God will indicate the safe road and I calm to proceed, therefore, in situations of bad weather we should appeal to ours Mister and we will be assisted so that we can outline and even destroying obstacles for the whole glory of our creator.
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