A palavra sempre se cumprirá, mesmo que sejamos submetidos a diversas e a terríveis provações, sendo firmes e fiéis aos ensinamentos que o Senhor nos deixou como instruções para o alcance da vitória, seremos honrados para toda a glória de Deus.
O Senhor é único e todo poderoso e mesmo assim celebrou uma aliança com nós, procurando nos conceder a misericórdia, perdoando as nossas falhas e nos redirecionando ao caminho correto e o que temos a fazer é procurarmos viver de acordo com o que a palavra nos revela, amando o nosso criador.
Sentence of the day: promise of the alliance.
You will know, therefore, that the Mister your God, he is God, the faithful God, that keeps the alliance and the mercy up to a thousand generations to the that love him and they keep your commandments. (Deuteronômio 7:9)
The word will always come true, even if are submitted the several ones and to terrible probations, being firm and followers to the teachings that the Mister he left us as instructions for the reach of the victory, we will be honest for the whole glory of God.
The Mister it is only and all powerful and even so it celebrated an alliance with us, trying to grant us the mercy, forgiving our flaws and redirecting us to the correct road and what has to do it is we try to live in agreement with the one that the word reveals us, loving our creator.
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