A grandeza muitas vezes não se inicia com o comando, mas, pode estar residindo em nossas atitudes de obediência e humildade. No mundo terreno a cultura tem sido de que os governantes das nações as dominam pelas mãos das pessoas ditas como importantes, as quais exercem poder sobre os outros.
Com os nossos corações cultivados com a fé e a nossa obediência incondicional aos ensinamentos de Deus, seremos capazes de provar que entre nós as coisas serão diferentes, que o humilde poderá ser contemplado com o poder e assumir o trono de onde saberá governar com excelência e humanidade.
Sentence of the day: the servant can become Mister.
Then Jesus, calling them near itself, he said: Well you know that for the heathens princes they are these dominated, and that the big ones exercise authority on them. It won't be like this among you; but all that that wants among you to do big is your servant. And, any that wants to be the first among you, be your servant. As well as the man's Son didn't come to be served, but to serve, and to give your life in ransom of many. (Mateus 20:25-28)
The greatness many times he doesn't begin with the command, but, it can be residing in our obedience attitudes and humility. In the terrestrial world the culture has been that the rulers of the nations dominate them for the said people's hands as important, which exercise to can on the other ones.
With our hearts cultivated with the faith and our unconditional obedience to the teachings of God, we will be capable to prove that among us the things will be different, that the humble can be contemplated with the power and to assume the throne from where he will know how to govern with excellence and humanity.
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