Não existe sabedoria senão a constante na palavra do Senhor, portanto, é prudente buscarmos pela aprendizagem efetiva nas escrituras, onde além dos conhecimentos e inspirações para as soluções e conquistas no meio terreno, ainda encontraremos as formas de nos mantermos no caminho que nos conduz à presença de Deus.
Sentence of the day: the knowledge for the word.
The wise persons are embarrassed, frightened and arrested; suddenly they rejected the word of the Mister; what wisdom, because, they have them? (Jeremias 8:9)
Wisdom doesn't exist except the constant in the word of the Mister, therefore, it is careful we look for the learning it executes in the deeds, where besides the knowledge and inspirations for the solutions and conquests in the terrestrial middle, we will still find the forms of we maintain ourselves in the road that leads us to the presence of God.
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