Não passarão de tentativas frustradas as investidas do inimigo sobre nós, se estivermos vestidas com a armadura que o Senhor nos deixou acessível mediante as instruções na palavra, portanto, é primordial a nossa busca na fonte dos conhecimentos que nos aproximam de Deus.
Sentence of the day: the enemy won't reach us.
And he said him/it Mister Josué: "Be not those kings' afraid; I gave them in your hands. None of them will get to resist you". (Josué 10:8)
They won't pass of frustrated attempts the enemy's lunges on us, if we be dressed with the armor that the Mister he/she left us accessible by the instructions in the word, therefore, it is primordial our search in the source of the knowledge that you approximate us of God.
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