São imensuráveis as maravilhas que o Senhor nos concede, portanto, o mínimo que podemos fazer é agradecer e dando testemunho das graças alcançadas para que outros possam retornar ao caminho em direção à salvação.
Deus espera que sejamos amáveis e obedientes à palavra e que as nossas ações sejam de acordo com o que estabelece as leis, pois, assim conseguiremos manter a nossa caminhada em segurança e mesmo quando submetidos à intempéries teremos as nossas forças restauradas.
Sentence of the day: to give testimonies.
To the law and the testimony! If they don't speak according to this word, it is because there is not light in them. (Isaías 8:20)
They are immeasurable the marvels that the Mister it grants us, therefore, the minimum that can do it is to thank and giving testimony of the reached thanks so that others can come back to the road in direction to the salvation.
God waits that are kind and obedient to the word and that our actions are in agreement with what it establishes the laws, because, we will get like this to maintain our walk in safety and same when submitted to bad weather we will have our recuperated forces.
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