O Senhor dissipa o nossos temores, sejam eles de qualquer natureza. Temos a promessa da recompensa pela nossa crença e pelo nosso amor, portanto, jamais estaremos desamparados, pois, Deus sempre nos tem honrado, concedendo as graças que nos não necessárias para a sobrevivência neste mundo terreno e nos conduzindo pelo caminho que leva à salvação.
Sentence of the day: with God in the heart nothing will fear.
After these things vein the word of you to Abrão in vision, saying: Don't fear, Abrão, I am your shield, your immense reward. (Gênesis 15:1)
The Mister it dissipates our fears, be them of any nature. We have the promise of the reward for our faith and for our love, therefore, we will never be abandoned, because, God has always been honoring us, granting the thanks that us not necessary for the survival in this terrestrial world and behaving for the road that takes to the salvation.
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