honra nos permite um excelente convívio entre as pessoas no mundo terreno, e
ainda, nos apresenta diante de Deus, mas, muito mais importante do que nos
preocuparmos em ser honrados é possibilitarmos que o nosso próximo tenha sua
honra, portanto, não devemos poupar esforços para que o nosso irmão seja
Sentence of the day: honor.
You will also make tunics to the children of Arão, and
you will make them belts; you will also make them ornament for the head, for
glory and ornament. (Exodus 28:40)
The honor we allow an excellent conviviality among the
people in the terrestrial world, and still, it presents us before God, but,
much more important than we worry ourselves in being honest it is we make
possible that our close one has your honor, therefore, we should not save
efforts so that our brother is honored.
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