As músicas são agradáveis, uns gostam de um estilo enquanto outros apreciam estilo diferente, mas, sempre as melodias suaram suave aos ouvidos, portanto, podemos dizer que é algo agradável.
Entoar hinos e louvores a Deus deve ser uma prática comum em nossas vidas, pois, é música, é melodia, faz bem aos ouvidos, ao coração e à nossa alma e ainda agrada ao Senhor, pelo que devemos ser gratos e com o fruto dos nossos lábios confessarmos o nome Santo do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: to intone praises to the Mister.
Therefore, let us always offer for him to God praise sacrifice, that is, the fruit of the lips that you admit your name. (Hebrew 13:15)
The music are pleasant, some like a style while others appreciate different style, but, the melodies always sweated soft to the ears, therefore, we can say that is something pleasant.
To intone hymns and praises to God should be a common practice in our lives, because, it is music, it is melody, he does well to the ears, to the heart and our soul and it still pleases to the Mister, for the that we should be thankful and with the fruit of our lips we admit the name Saint of the Mister.
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