Os mandamentos do Senhor são serenos e agradáveis, portanto, jamais poderão ser tomados como fardos, ao contrário, eles devem ser recebidos e incorporados como felicidade e honra, pois, nos foram colocados ao alcance para que a prosperidade esteja presente em nossas vidas.
Deus nos criou e nos concedeu a oportunidade de receber em nossos corações a semente da fé, pela qual, sendo fiéis e zelosos, teremos sucesso em tudo quando procurarmos conquistar.
Sentence of the day: the success will come with the faith.
Because all that is been born of God it wins the world; and this is the victory that wins the world, our faith. (1 João 5:4)
The commandments of the Mister they are serene and you pleased, therefore, they will never be able to be taken as bales, to the opposite, they should be received and incorporate as happiness and it honors, because, they were placed us to the reach for the prosperity to be present in our lives.
God created us and it granted us the opportunity to receive in our hearts the seed of the faith, for the which, being faithful and zealous, we will have success in everything when we try to conquer.
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