Uma vez conhecendo efetivamente a palavra de Deus, a oração será constante em nossas vidas, e seremos agraciados com toda a sabedoria necessária para o nosso sucesso e glória do Senhor, portanto, devemos procurar sempre pela fonte dos significativos ensinamentos que residem nas escrituras.
Sentence of the day: source of the knowledge.
For this reason, us also, since the day in that we heard him, we didn't cease of praying for you, and of asking that you are full of the knowledge of your will, in all the wisdom and spiritual intelligence. (Colossenses 1:9)
Once knowing the word of God indeed, the prayer will be constant in our lives, and we will be favored with all the necessary wisdom for our success and glory of the Mister, therefore, we should always seek for the source of the significant teachings that you reside in the deeds.
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