Os momentos passados pelos quais poderemos dedicar alguns momentos de lembranças, são os de agradáveis acontecimentos. Na verdade a importância maior deve ser destinada aos atos do presente para que possamos ser melhores pessoas no futuro.
Caso tenhamos que nos reportar ao passado, as coisas ruins devem no máximo serem superficialmente lembradas como águas passadas, e assim o será, caso buscarmos na palavra a consagração dos nossos corações a Deus, nos mantendo afastados do pecado e mantendo as nossas mãos estendidas em direção ao Senhor.
A permanência e busca constante pela presença do Senhor em nossas vidas, nos possibilitará situações maravilhosas ou nos resgatará de momentos difíceis, nos concedendo repouso, segurança e a confiança dos irmãos, portanto, não há tempo a perder em estarmos na presença de Deus.
Friar of the day: to be in the presence of the Mister.
You will forget your misfortunes, just reminding them as last waters. Life will be more splendid than the noon, and the darkness will be as the morning in your splendor. You will be confident, thanks to the hope that there will be; he will look about and it will rest in safety. You will lie down, and he won't be afraid of anybody, and many will seek your favor. (Jó 11:16-19)
The moments gone by the which we can dedicate some moments of memories, they are the one of pleasant events. Actually the larger importance should be destined to the acts of the present so that we can be better people in the future.
In case we have remember the past again, the bad things owe at the most they be superficially reminded as last waters, and it will be like this it, case look for in the word the consecration of our hearts to God, maintaining moved away us of the sin and maintaining our extended hands in direction to the Mister.
The permanence and it looks for constant for the presence of the Mister in our lives, it will make possible us wonderful situations or it will rescue us of difficult moments, granting us rest, safety and the siblings' trust, therefore, there is not time to lose in we be in the presence of God.
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