Deus é para todos, mas, está sempre atento às dificuldades pelas quais estão sujeitos os mais necessitados, aos quais enviará o socorro, aliviando das agressões e concedendo o refúgio contra os opressores que serão abatidos e envergonhados.
O Senhor não descuida em nenhum momento de nós, ao contrário, está atento aos pedidos daqueles que o amam e procuram agir de acordo com as instruções contidas nas escrituras, as quais nos apresentam como filhos de Deus.
Sentence of the day: any badly will prevail.
Because you went the poor fortress, and the fortress of the person in need, in your anguish; refuge against the storm, and shade against the heat; because the blow of the oppressors is as the storm against the wall. (Isaías 25:4)
God is for all, but, it is always attentive to the difficulties for the which are subject the more persons in need, to the which he will send the help, alleviating of the aggressions and granting the refuge against the oppressors that will be abated and embarrassed.
The Mister he doesn't neglect in any moment of us, to the opposite, it is attentive to the requests of those that love him and they try to act in agreement with the instructions contained in the deeds, which present us as children of God.
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