Tenho-vos dito isto, para que o meu gozo permaneça em vós, e o vosso gozo seja completo. (João 15:11)
Deus nos ensina que cultivemos o amor, amando uns aos outros como um de Seus sábios ensinamentos. O Senhor se alegra por cada um de nós e nos concederá a felicidade plena, a qual pode ser encontrada e sustentada nas escrituras, portanto, devemos ser fiéis a palavra para a conquistada da desejada plenitude.
Full happiness.
I have you dictates this, so that my joy stays in you, and your joy is complete. (João 15:11)
God teaches us that we cultivate the love, loving each other as one of Your wise persons teachings. The Mister he gets happy for each one of us and it will grant us the full happiness, which can be found and sustained in the deeds, therefore, we should be faithful the word for conquered her of the wanted fullness.
Servir com alegria.
Devemos procurar servir ao Senhor espontaneamente, com a pureza e serenidade no coração, sem exigir nada em troca, e assim, a alegria estará presente em nossas vidas, pois, estaremos agradando ao nosso criador que nos recompensará imensamente.
To serve with happiness.
And the people got happy because they contributed voluntarily; because, with perfect heart, voluntarily they gave to the Mister; and king Davi also got happy with great happiness. (1 chronicles 29:9)
We should try to serve to the Mister spontaneously, with the purity and serenity in the heart, without demanding anything in change, and like this, the happiness will be present in our lives, because, we will be pleasing our creator that will reward us vastly.
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