Os que se descuidarem em praticar as ações sem observar o ensinamento contido na palavra, com certeza estarão se afastando do Senhor, portanto, devemos tomar as escrituras como nosso livro de cabeceira para que a sabedoria nos ajude a permanecermos no caminho e possamos ser agradáveis aos olhos de Deus.
Sentence of the day: to have faith truly.
It is even it matters that there are among you heresies, so that the ones that are sincere they show among you. (1 Corinthian 11:19)
The ones that if they neglect in practicing the actions without observing the teaching contained in the word, with certainty they will be moving away if of the Mister, therefore, we should take the deeds as our headboard book so that the wisdom helps us we stay her in the road and we can be pleasant to the eyes of God.
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