As nossas conquista serão cada vez mais serenas e de uma imensidão que chegaremos a pensar em duvidar, mas, para tanto, as nossas ações devem ser fundadas em observância ao que nos ensina a palavra e a nossa fé jamais poderá ser abalada, ao contrário, não importa por qual situação estejamos tendo que enfrentar, a crença e obediência ao Senhor deve sempre prevalecer.
Agradando ao nosso Senhor sem sacrifícios, com práticas na verdade prazerosas, as quais apenas precisaremos deixar fazer parte de nossas vidas terrenas, das quais descobriremos a nobreza e o poder para que a cada instante o progresso surgirá naturalmente para nossa alegria e honra do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: success.
Finally, siblings, we implored you and we exhorted in Mr. Jesus, that as well as you received from us, that sorts things out he suits to walk and to please God, walk like this, so that you can progress more and more. (1 Tessalonicenses 4:1)
Our conquest will be more and more serene and of an immensity that we will get to think in doubting, but, for so much, our actions should be founded in observance to the that teaches us the word and our faith will never be able to be affected, to the opposite, it doesn't matter for which situation is having to face, the faith and obedience to the Mister it should always prevail.
Pleasing ours Mister without sacrifices, with practices actually pleased, which we will just need to let to do part of our terrestrial lives, of the which we will discover the nobility and the power so that to each instant the progress will appear naturally for our happiness and it honors of the Mister.
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