As nossas obras sempre estarão sendo observadas pelo Senhor, portanto, devemos realizá-las de acordo com as instruções que estão à nossa disposição na palavra.
Agindo com cautela e respeitando os ensinamentos divinos, sempre procurando cultivar a nossa fé, o Senhor nos recompensará imensamente, portanto, caso lágrimas comecem a ser derramadas por mais grave que seja o motivo, devemos fazer com que cessem, pois, o nosso criador honrará a promessa de vitória.
Sentence of the day: to dry the tears.
He you says like this him Mister: He you represses your cry voice, and the tears of your eyes; because there is reward for your work, he says him Mister, because they will come back from the enemy's earth. (Jeremias 31:16)
Our works will always be being observed by the Mister, therefore, we should accomplish them in agreement with the instructions that are to our disposition in the word.
Acting with caution and respecting the divine teachings, always trying to cultivate our faith, the Mister it will reward us vastly, therefore, in case tears begin to be spilled no matter how serious it is the reason, we should do with that cease, therefore, our creator will honor the victory promise.
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