As revelações do Senhor podem ser direcionadas a todas as pessoas, inclusive às mais simples, pois a grandeza não se reveste de bens materiais ou de grande saber, mas da pureza que existe nos corações e do respeito à palavra do nosso criador.
Sempre que sentirmos a necessidade de indicação para uma decisão, podemos invocar o nome do Senhor e seremos atendidos com propriedade para que possamos conquistar com êxito os nossos objetivos.
Sentence of the day: simplicity.
On that time, answering Jesus, he said: Thanks give you, the Father, Mister of the sky and of the earth, that you hid these things to the wise persons and understood, and you revealed them to the little ones. (Mateus 11:25)
The revelations of the Mister they can be addressed her all the people, besides to the simplest, because the greatness is not covered of material goods or of great knowledge, but of the purity that exists in the hearts and of the respect to our creator's word.
Whenever we feel the indication need for a decision, we can invoke the name of the Mister and we will be assisted with property so that we can conquer with success our objectives.
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