É promessa do Senhor para nossa vida, portanto, por mais que o inimigo faça suas investidas, tentando causar prejuízos, mesmo que investido em poder terreno, jamais será suficiente para nos causar dano que não possa ser repara pelo nosso criador.
Deus estará sempre atento quanto às atitudes que o inimigo tentar contra nós, para que recebamos o livramento e possamos comemorar sempre a vitória para glória e honra do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: liberation.
And they will fight against you, but they won't prevail against you; because I am with you, he says him Mister, to get rid. (Jeremias 1:19)
It is promise of the Mister for our life, therefore, no matter how much the enemy makes your lunges, trying to cause damages, even if invested in being able to land, it will never be enough to cause us damage that cannot be it repairs for our creator.
God will always be attentive with relationship to the attitudes that the enemy to try against us, so that we receive the liberation and we can always commemorate the victory for glory and it honors of the Mister.
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