Desde o início até o fim da nossa vida terrena e a continuidade da vida eterna e, tudo quando dela tiver feito parte e continuará fazendo, devemos dar glórias a Deus, o nosso criador e de todas as outras coisas. A nossa adoração é louvável somente ao Senhor.
Sentence of the day: adoration to the Mister.
Saying with great voice: Fear God, and give him glory; because it is coming the hour of your judgement. And adore that that made the sky, and the earth, and the sea, and the sources of the waters. (Apocalypse 14:7)
Since the beginning to the end of our terrestrial life and the continuity of the eternal life and, everything when of her it has been part and it will continue doing, we should give glories to God, our creator and of all the other things. Our adoration is only praiseworthy to the Mister.
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