Já temos o conhecimento da benevolência e poder do Senhor e de todas as promessas de graças que tem para com nós, portanto, devemos perseverar na nossa fé para que consigamos permanecer no caminho como um dos escolhidos para uma vida promissora e repleta de glórias na presença de Deus.
Sentence of the day: chosen.
I don't speak about all you; I well know the ones that I have been choosing; but for he comes true the Deed: What eats the bread with me, he lifted against me your heel. (João 13:18)
We already have the knowledge of the benevolence and power of the Mister and of all the promises free that has to us, therefore, we should persevere in our faith so that we get to stay in the road as one of the chosen ones for a promising and replete life of glories in the presence of God.
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