Ambos os ensinamentos do Senhor devem ser seguidos para o nosso sucesso em tudo quanto estivermos submetidos. Seja qual for a situação estaremos preparados.
Não devemos querer conquistar algo a qualquer preço, ao contrário, as nossas realizações devem ser perseguidas de acordo com o que a sabedoria dos direciona. Até mesmo os momentos de descanso devem ser considerados e respeitados para que as nossas energias sejam recuperadas e possamos retornar ainda mais vigorosos.
Sentence of the day: rest.
Because you will remember that you went servant in the earth of Egypt, and that the Mister your God removed you of there with strong hand and extended arm; therefore the Mister your God ordered you that kept the day of Saturday. (Deuteronômio 5:15)
Both teachings of the Mister they should be followed for our success in whatever we be submitted. Be which goes the situation we will be prepared.
We should not want to conquer something the any price, to the opposite, our accomplishments should be pursued in agreement with the one that the wisdom of the it addresses. Even the moments of rest they should be considered and respected so that our energies are recovered and we can still come back more vigorous.
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