A cada instante devemos considerar que já somos uma melhor pessoa, nos despindo da criatura anterior, combatendo os desejos que nos corrompem e enganam para que possamos ser donos de corações puros e dignos para que os frutos de excelente qualidade sejam produzidos e possam saciar a nossa fome e de todos os que nos cercam e nos apresentem como efetivos filhos de Deus.
Sentence of the day: to undress of the desires of the meat.
That, with relationship to the last treatment, you undress of the old man, that is corrupted by the concupiscences of the mistake. (Efésios 4:22)
To each instant we should consider that we are already a better person, undressing of the previous creature, combatting the desires that corrupt us and they deceive so that we can be owners of pure and worthy hearts so that the fruits of excellent quality are produced and they can satiate our hunger and of all the ones that surround us and present us as effective children of God.
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