Não devemos nos vangloriar pelas posses terrenas, não que elas não sejam permitidas ou que seja pecado possuí-las; o que não podemos fazer é nos escravizarmos pelos bens materiais e nem permitir que a força física nos engrandeça.
Deus espera que sejamos humildes e que procuremos andar com retidão, sendo sempre fiéis aos ensinamentos divinos, reconhecendo o Senhor em todas as coisas, inclusive nos benefícios que nos são concedidos.
Sentence of the day: to glorify to the Mister.
He you says like this him Mister: Don't glory the wise person in your wisdom, nor glory the fort in your force; don't glory the rich in your wealth. But what to glory, glory in this: in to understand each other and to know me, that I am it Mister, that make charity, judgement and justice in the earth; because of these things I please myself, he says him Mister. (Jeremias 9:23-24)
We should not boast for the terrestrial ownerships, not that they are not allowed or that is sinned to possess them; the one that we cannot do is we enslave for the material goods and nor to allow the physical force to increase us.
God waits that are humble and that we try to walk with rightness, being always followers to the divine teachings, recognizing him Mister in all the things, besides in the benefits that are granted us.
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