Aprofundando nos ensinamentos contidos na palavra. Entenderemos que há muito que seguirmos e com prazer, mas, devemos nos pautar inclusive em mantermos a pureza em nossos corações para que possamos honrar a semente da fé que foi plantada e que precisa ser regada constantemente para que continue florescendo e dando bons frutos, os quais servirão como poderosas fontes de vida.
Sentence of the day: to take care of the heart.
On everything that one should keep, he keeps your heart, because of him they proceed the sources of the life. (Proverbs 4:23)
Deepening in the teachings contained in the word. We will understand that there is a lot that proceed and with pleasure, but, we should rule ourselves besides in we maintain the purity in our hearts so that we can honor the seed of the faith that was planted and that needs to constantly be watered so that it continues blooming and giving good fruits, which will serve as powerful life sources.
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