Deus não quer que façamos sacrifícios, ao contrário, nos dará condições para realização de tudo quanto for necessário para a nossa sobrevivência, e ainda, acrescentará as nossas conquistas, nos concedendo a prosperidade se a fidelidade à palavra estiver presentes em nossas vidas, portanto, devemos realizar as nossas obras de acordo com a palavra.
Sentence of the day: prosperity without affliction.
Best is the hand full with rest than both hands full with work, and spirit affliction. (Eclesiastes 4:6)
God doesn't want that we make sacrifices, to the opposite, he will give us conditions for accomplishment of whatever it is necessary for our survival, and still, it will increase our conquests, granting us the prosperity if the fidelity to the word is present in our lives, therefore, we should accomplish our works in agreement with the word.
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