As dúvidas serão sanadas, não importam quais sejam, o que precisamos e elevar nossos pedidos de indicação da melhor decisão e o Senhor proverá.
Em nossas caminhadas devemos render graças e reconhecimento de todo nosso coração a Deus como nosso criador e único salvador e seremos contemplados com a serenidade em todo o nosso trajeto.
Sentence of the day: decision.
He you trusts in the Mister of all your heart, and don't rest you in your own understanding. It recognizes him/it in all your roads, and he will straighten your sidewalks. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
The doubts will be healed, they don't matter which are, what needed and to elevate our requests of indication of the best decision and him Mister it will provide.
In our walks we should surrender thanks and recognition of all our heart to God as our creator and only savior and we will be contemplated with the serenity in all our itinerary.
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