Devemos ser obedientes às ordens do Senhor, seja ela qual for, pois, tudo quanto o nosso criador nos recomendar, também nos concederá a luz necessária para que possamos prosperar, portanto, a vontade do nosso Deus deve prevalecer sobre todas as outras coisas.
Sentence of the day: will of the Mister.
According to the order of the Mister they lodged, and according to the order of the Mister they left; they accomplished your duty to the Mister, according to the order of the Mister through Moisés. (Numbers 9:23)
We should be obedient to the orders of the Mister, be her which goes, therefore, whatever our creator to recommend us, it will also grant us the necessary light so that we can prosper, therefore, the will of our God should prevail on all the other things.
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