Estamos curados, pois, O Senhor já providenciou para que sejamos saudáveis. Em algumas vezes o que nos acontece é o inimigo tentando nos causar algum mal, mas, se buscarmos pela proteção divina, todo investida do inimigo será cessada, portanto, jamais devemos nos desesperar, ao contrário, a nossa crença não deve ser abalada e seremos libertos das garras do agressor.
Sentence of the day: we are cured.
And it traveled Jesus the whole Galiléia, teaching in your synagogues and nailing the Gospel of the kingdom, and curing all the illnesses and diseases among the people. (Mateus 4:23)
We are cured, because, THE Mister it already made arrangements so that we are healthy. In sometimes the one that happens is us the enemy trying to cause us badly some, but, if we look for the divine protection, all the enemy's lunge will be ceased, therefore, we should never lose hope, to the opposite, our faith should not be affected and we will be freed of the aggressor's claws.
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