A palavra do Senhor é vitória, paz, prosperidade, saúde, enfim é vida evadindo por todos os poros e salvação eterna, portanto, jamais devemos permitir que qualquer obstáculo ou ameaça nos impeçam de divulgarmos e vivermos pelos ensinamentos que Deus nos deixou com imensurável amor.
Sentence of the day: to live the word without fear.
And many of the siblings in the Mister, taking vitality with my prisons, they dare to speak the word more confidently, without fear. (Filipenses 1:14)
The word of the Mister it is victory, peace, prosperity, health, finally is life avoiding for all the pores and eternal salvation, therefore, we should never allow that any obstacle or he threatens us they impede of we publish and we live for the teachings that God left us with immeasurable love.
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