Almejamos a independência, portanto, não podemos nos desviar de forma alguma dos ensinamentos do Senhor, devemos ser fortes e corajosos.
As tribulações existirão, muitas vezes como provas de nossa perseverança e fé e para nos preparar para o combate contra o inimigo, e em outras ocasiões poderá ser o inimigo tentando nos confundir e nos escravizar, mas, se meditarmos na palavra, sendo obedientes e zelosos às suas revelações, prosperaremos e seremos bem sucedidos frente a qualquer situação.
Sentence of the day: independence.
Don't stop speaking the words of this Book of the Law and of meditating in the daytime in them and at night, for you to accomplish faithfully everything that is written in him. Your roads will only then prosper and you will be successful. (Josué 1:8)
We longed for the independence, therefore, we cannot stray any of the teachings of the in way Mister, we should be strong and courageous.
The tribulations will exist, a lot of times as proofs of our perseverance and faith and to get ready for the combat against the enemy, and in other occasions he/she can be the enemy trying to get confused and to enslave us, but, if we meditate in the word, being obedient and zealous to your revelations, we will prosper and we will be well happened front the any situation.
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