Não há vergonha alguma assumirmos as nossas fraquezas perante Deus, ao contrário é um sinal de coragem, pois somos pequenos e limitados diante do Senhor. Quando reconhecemos a nossa fragilidade e o inimigo começa a nos perseguir de todas as formas maliciosas, Deus nos faz levantar, nos contemplando com proteção e poder.
Com as graças e a mão de Deus em nossas vidas, sempre que for preciso seremos agigantados para que portas se abram e escuridão se transforme e luz e todos os obstáculos sejam destruídos dando lugar a caminhos livres e que nos levem à vitória para que o inimigo reconheça sua fraqueza.
Sentence of the day: weak he is the enemy.
And he told me: My grace you are enough, because my power if it improves in the weakness. Willingly, because, I will glory in my weaknesses, so that in me he inhabits Christ's power. Therefore I feel pleasure in the weaknesses, in the offenses, in the needs, in the persecutions, in the anguishes for love of Christ. Because when I am then weak I am strong. (2 Corinthian 12:9-10)
There is not any shame we assume our weaknesses before God, to the opposite it is a courage sign, because we are small and limited before the Mister. When we recognized our fragility and the enemy begins pursuing us of all the malicious forms, God makes to get up, contemplating us with protection and power.
With the thanks and the hand of God in our lives, whenever it goes I need we will be grandiose so that you carry if they open and darkness changes and it shines and all the obstacles are destroyed giving place to free roads and that take us to the victory for the enemy to recognize your weakness.
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