Caso a tristeza consiga entrar de alguma forma em nossa vida, devemos nos manter firmes e buscarmos através da fé o combate aos motivos do que nos aborrece e com certeza a alegria nos será devolvida.
Não existe maior prova do nosso amor a Deus do que a perseverança em nossa fé e no respeito ao ensinamento que nos foi deixado com muito amor., portanto, agindo segundo o que nos indica a palavra seremos dignos das graças que o Senhor nos concederá para que a felicidade se efetive em nossa vida.
Sentence of the day: God wants that have vitality.
In that you largely get happy, although now it matters, being necessary, that are for a little sad with several temptations, (1 Pedro 1:6)
In case the sadness gets to enter in some way in our life, we should maintain firm us and we look for through the faith the combat to the reasons than he/she upsets us and with certainty the happiness will be returned us.
Larger proof doesn't exist from our love to God than the perseverance in our faith and in the respect to the teaching that was left us with a lot of love., therefore, acting second that indicates us the word will be worthy of the thanks that the Mister it will grant us so that the happiness is executed in our life.
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