Mesmo diante da mais perturbadora provação se deve manter vigilante e perseverante, não possibilitando que nem mesmo o mais terrível dos inimigos possa abalar a nossa fé, e assim, quando atravessarmos a tempestade e vier a calmaria, mantendo o amor a Deus, seremos dignos ao recebimento da coroa da vida que o Senhor nos tem por promessa.
Sentence of the day: Probation.
Blessed the man that suffers the temptation; because, when it be proven, it will receive the crown of the life, the one which the Mister he has been promising to the that love him. (Tiago 1:12)
Even due to the most disturbing probation he should stay vigilant and persevering, not making possible that not even the most terrible of the enemies can affect our faith, and like this, when we cross the storm and the calm comes, maintaining the love to God, we will be worthy to the greeting of the crown of the life that the Mister he has us for promise.
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