Não vos enganeis: as más conversações corrompem os bons costumes. (1 Coríntios 15:33)
Deus não deseja que julguemos as pessoas, ao contrário, todos devem ter uma oportunidade para se justificarem, mas, isso não quer dizer que devemos estar intimamente ligadas a elas enquanto ainda não honraram a vontade de viver pelos ensinamentos da palavra.
Sentence of the day: cares for not corrupting.
You don't make a mistake: the bad conversations corrupt the good habits. (1 Corinthian 15:33)
It is not a simple one said popular, but, a teaching of the word. It is important we know how to choose the people for our coexistence circle, because, for more dignity and good character that he can have a person, it can be let to take and to wrap up in subjects of the evil for corrupting for certain companies.
God doesn't want that we judge the people, to the opposite, all should have an opportunity for if they justify, but, that doesn't mean that should be intimately linked to them while they didn't still honor the will of living for the teachings of the word.
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