Jamais ficaremos perdidos ou continuaremos confundidos, pois, sendo fiéis e trazendo sempre o Senhor em nossos corações, por mais tortuosos que sejam os caminhos eles se alinharam, e assim, serão as dúvidas que se transformaram em dicas de vitórias para as nossas vidas.
Sentence of the day: the Mister in the display the road.
I have position the Mister continually before me; therefore that he is to my right hand, I will never hesitate. (Psalms 16:8)
We will never be lost or we will continue confused, therefore, being faithful and always bringing him Mister in our hearts, no matter how tortuous they are the roads they joined, and like this, they will be the doubts that became clues of victories for our lives.
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