A nossa capacidade para a prosperidade e alcance de quaisquer bens materiais, assim como as nossas forças para superação de obstáculos e derrota do inimigo, não estão nas habilidades terrenas por si só, mas, quando estas qualidades estiverem aliadas a Deus, nosso criador, mantenedor e protetor.
Somos capazes. A fidelidade ao Senhor e o cultivo da nossa fé, sem vacilarmos, nos fará com que testemunhemos a confirmação da aliança prometida que nos possibilitará produzirmos vitórias para nossa felicidade e honra e glória do Senhor.
Sentence of the day: our capacity comes from the Mister.
And say in your heart: My force, and the fortress of my hand, acquired me this power. Before you will remember the Mister your God, that he is what gives you force for you acquire wealth; to confirm your alliance, that swore your parents, as he sees himself on this day. (Deuteronômio 8:17-18)
Our capacity for the prosperity and reach of any material goods, as well as our forces for we overcome obstacles and it defeats of the enemy, they are not by itself in the terrestrial abilities, but, when these qualities be formed an alliance with God, our creator, caretaker and protector.
We are capable. The fidelity to the Mister and the cultivation of our faith, without we hesitate, he will do us with that testify the confirmation of the promised alliance that will make possible we produce ourselves victories for our happiness and it honors and glory of the Mister.
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