O discernimento para que possamos tomar a decisão entre uma ou outra situação, escolhendo pela mais acertada e que agrade ao Senhor está nas escrituras, ou seja, bem ao nosso alcance.
Quando procuramos agir pelos ensinamentos que Deus nos presenteou, os nossos caminhos serão trajetos de verdades por onde caminharemos com passos sobre a luz e nenhuma obscuridade será capaz de prevalecer durante a clareza com a qual o Senhor nos contemplará.
Sentence of the day: clarity.
For your commandments I reached understanding; therefore I hate all false road. Lamp for my feet is your word, and it shines for my road. (Psalms 119:104-105)
The discernment so that we can make the decision between an or other situation, choosing for the right and that pleases to the Mister it is in the deeds, in other words, well within our reach.
When we tried to act for the teachings that God presented us, our roads will be itineraries of truths through where we will walk with steps on the light and no obscurity will be capable to prevail during the clarity with the one which the Mister it will contemplate us.
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