Somos criaturas de Deus, assim como todos os outros seres, os quais o Senhor colocou sob os nossos domínios, como uma das formas de demonstrar o amor que tem para com cada um de nós.
Como filhos de Deus, estamos qualificados como herdeiros do trono divino, mas, para que possamos gozar desta inigualável e imensurável graça, precisamos receber o Senhor em nossos corações e jamais deixarmos que seja abatida a nossa fé.
Sentence of the day: to accept him Mister.
But, to all how many received him, he gave them the power of children of God they be done, to the that have faith in your name. (João 1:12)
We are creatures of God, as well as all the other ones you be, the ones which the Mister it placed under our domains, as one in the ways of demonstrating the love that has to each one of us.
As children of God, we are qualified as heirs of the divine throne, but, so that we can enjoy this unequaled and immeasurable grace, we needed to receive him Mister in our hearts and we never leave that our faith is abated.
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