O Senhor está sempre vigilante para socorrer aqueles que andam pelo caminho indicado pela palavra e respeita os ensinamentos e não permitindo vacilar a sua fé.
Não importa o quanto profundas ou revoltas sejam as águas por onde precisarmos passar e, nem mesmo quanto seja ardente o fogo que o inimigo lançar em nossa direção, Deus não permitirá que sejamos atingidos e ainda nos concederá a grandeza da vitória.
Sentence of the day: the Mister he is our watchman.
When you pass for the waters I will be with you, and when for the rivers, they won't submerge you; when you pass for the fire, you won't burn, nor the fire will burn in you. (Isaías 43:2)
The Mister it is always vigilant to help those that walk for the suitable road for the word and it respects the teachings and not allowing to hesitate your faith.
He you doesn't import him as deep or revolts are the waters through where we need to pass and, not even all is burning the fire that the enemy to throw in our direction, God won't allow that are reached and it will still grant us the greatness of the victory.
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