A paciência é uma prova de entendimento dos ensinamentos ofertados pela palavra. Nos momentos de discórdias não devemos ter medo, mas, jamais deixarmos nos perturbar ao ponto de perdermos a razão ou tomarmos medidas reprováveis pelo Senhor.
Muitas vezes a vitória maior está em ignorarmos os nossos opressores, os quais se darão vendidos por si mesmos e nós seremos coroados vencedores pela sensatez e glória concedida pelo Senhor.
Sentence of the day: caution is understanding proof.
The man's prudence makes to retain your anger, and it is your glory passing for top of the transgression. (Proverbs 19:11)
The patience is a proof of understanding of the teachings presented by the word. In the moments of discords we should not be afraid, but, we never let to disturb us to the point of we lose common sense or we take reprovable measures for the Mister.
A lot of times the larger victory is in we ignore our oppressors, which one will give sold by themselves and us we will be crowned winners by the good sense and glory granted by the Mister.
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