Deus garante os meios para que possamos sobreviver diante de todas as intempéries, inclusive com promessa para a nossa subsistência. E como tranquilidade daqueles que crêem, traduz a promessa na mensagem de que teremos à nossa disposição tudo o que precisarmos para a manutenção da nossa vida.
Sentence of the day: subsistence.
While the earth to last, planting and it reaps, and cold and heat, and they will see and winter, and day and night, they won't cease. (Gênesis 8:22)
God guarantees the means so that we can survive before all the bad weather, besides with promise for our subsistence. And as peacefulness of those that have faith, he translates the promise in the message that will have to our disposition everything that we need for the maintenance of our life.
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