As nossas ações devem ser realizadas com cautela, e dessa forma, evitaremos cometer injustiças e provocarmos mágoas nas pessoas. A insensatez nos cega, impedindo que o discernimento entre o que é certo ou errado seja levado em consideração, portanto, sempre que esse sentimento tentar se manifestar, devemos clamar ao Senhor para manter a pureza e bondade em nossos corações.
Sentence of the day: foolishness.
The fool doesn't have pleasure in the wisdom, but only in that shows that that pleases your heart. (Proverbs 18:2)
Our actions should be accomplished with caution, and in that way, we will avoid to make injustices and we provoke sorrows in the people. The foolishness we blind, impeding that the discernment among what is right or wrong it is taken in consideration, therefore, whenever that feeling to try to manifest, we should shout to the Mister to maintain the purity and kindness in our hearts.
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