A decisão de Deus foi iluminar a nossa vida, perdoando as nossas transgressões para que pudéssemos adquirir de volta a nossa alegria e esperança da salvação, portanto, devemos honrar esta maravilhosa graça com atitudes segundo os ensinamentos divinos para a em agradecimento e para a manutenção deste presente de valor incalculável.
Sentence of the day: staying in the light.
The people that walked in darkness, saw a great light, and on the ones that they inhabited in the area of the shade of the death the light it shone. (Isaías 9:2)
The decision of God went to illuminate our life, forgiving our transgressions so that we could acquire of turn our happiness and hope of the salvation, therefore, we should honor this wonderful grace with attitudes according to the divine teachings for the in gratefulness and for the maintenance of this present of incalculable value.
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