Em ti, SENHOR, confio; nunca me deixes confundido. Livra-me pela tua justiça. (Salmos 31:1)
Deus está sempre aguardando para nos recompensar e restaurar as nossas forças; a nossa parte é sempre a mais fácil e gratificante, pois, o que precisamos fazer é nos saciarmos dos sábios conhecimentos que o nosso criador nos ofertou sem nenhum ônus para que sejamos libertados de todas e quaisquer amarras.
Sentence of the day: the Mister it dissipates the doubts.
In you, GENTLEMAN, I trust; never leave confused me. He liberates me for your justice. (Psalms 31:1)
The moments of doubts to they can be surprised, but, they won't pass of temporary, since the name of the is invoked Mister to grant us the direction that we should take so that we have success in our decisions.
God is always awaiting to reward us and to recuperate our forces; our part is always the easiest and gratifying, because, the one that we needed do it is us we satiate of the wise persons knowledge that our creator presented us without any obligation so that we are freed of all and any cables.
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