Não será necessário despender grandes esforços para que a ajuda do Senhor chegue até nós. Deus está sempre observando os acontecimentos ao nosso redor e sempre pronto para atender aos nossos pedidos, portanto, depende de cada um buscar pele socorro de que precise.
A nossa crença é o instrumento primordial, a qual nos possibilita reconhecermos o poder das orações e fazermos com que elas elevem as nossas súplicas ao Senhor que atenderá e nos garantirá a restauração da nossa confiança e força para que possamos sair vitoriosos das batalhas.
Sentence of the day: the help depends on us.
I will lift my eyes for the hills, from where my help comes. My help comes from the Mister that did the sky and the earth. (Psalms 121:1-2)
It won't be necessary to spend great efforts so that the help of the Mister it arrives to us. God is always observing the events to our circuit and always ready to assist to our requests, therefore, it depends on each one to look for skin help that needs.
Our faith is the primordial instrument, which makes possible recognize ourselves the power of the prayers and we do with that they elevate our supplications to the Mister that will assist and it will guarantee us the restoration of our trust and it forces so that we can leave victorious of the battles.
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